I put an add on Craigslist a while back wanting old books. One guy gave me boxes of books dated late 1800's - early 1900's. I was really excited, to be sure! Of course not all of them were decent, but there were quite a few treasures among them... more than I could have hoped for, including three books by G. A. Henty, books by Harold Bell Wright, and many, many other books by classical and/or old authors.
One of them was . I loved the book and wanted more of them ( it was a simple story...almost cheesy, more realistic, more feminine than most girls story books ).
So I bought the first book! Just got it in last week, and already read it!!
My review of Miss Pat and Her Sisters:
Miss Pat is used to having little ever since her parents died long ago, and many people have stolen their fortune since.
Her older sister, Elinor has some how managed to keep them together, and halfway decent in dress. And there is her younger sister Judith, also, that helps keep life lively.
But just as things seemed at their worst, the three sisters found a house thrust on them...left by an aunt they barely knew. Everything seems bliss now, and maybe they can live happily ever after.
But this is not to be. They receive a bill that they must pay, and their aunt left them no money. They must keep their house. They do not want to mortgage it or let the servants go (who've become good friends).
The three sisters strive to stay together and earn money opening up a library, giving piano lessons, and making candy. At last they resort to taking in borders. But even this may not be enough.
Amidst it all there is the mystery of Miss Pat's lost twin brother, and a forbidden room.
Through it all, will they stick together?
More about the books and author:
Pemberton Ginther and Mary Pemberton Ginther were pseudonyms of Mrs William A. Heyler according to this. I couldn't find anything on the author or the books, except for the piece I linked. I saw that she wrote other books, but I can't honestly say if their content is as good as the Miss Pat books or not. One thing I found neat was on the front title page...it said that she did the cover :) and I think the cover is beautiful!
These books need to be read and remembered... I will definitely be buying the rest of the series soon! I don't know how something so good like these can be forgot, yet books that really don't seem as well-written or worth remembering will be passed on for a long time.
You can buy them on Amazon, EBay, or old book stores.
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