Alexa nominated me to do the Sisterhood award, for which I thank her ;). BTW this is my first link up that I've been nominated for, so exciting :D So, here goes ;b. Rules: 1. Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site. 2. Put the Award logo on your blog. 3. Answer the ten questions sent to you. 4. Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer. 5. Nominate ten blogs. #1 If you were a superhero, what would your costume look like? Something like an elf's :) flowy, leafy, embroidery, all that :) to tell the truth I'd rather not be a super heroe ( or heroine ) My life is hectic enough :). #2 When did you start writing? Forever, lol :) writing is my life :D But seriously, and finishing things about three years ago thanks to GoTeenWriters and . #3 Other hobbies besides writing? Knitting, sewing, embroidery, goats, reading, dancing, art, music, piano....lots of stuff :) #4 Marvel or DC Comics? Seen more DC...