A Companion post to Calm Down, We All Live On The Same Planet . I'm the sort of person that believes solutions are always possible. I'm also the sort of person who is a realist. Meaning, I know that while it takes two to fight, it only takes one to persecute. Sometimes a multitude can be silent accomplices. And sometimes they never know. But either way, the one persecuted doesn't always have the choice to activate a solution. Sometimes, while a solution is always possible, it's far out of reach for the person needing it. Germany has taught me this more than ever. I want everyone to get along. But some of our personal philosophies and ideas and values just aren't compatible. Sometimes there is just no meeting in the middle, no matter how much one wants it. And yet it's inevitable to meet somewhere. And thus hearts are broken, culture shock ensues and battles rage. And yet ... this doesn't mean so...