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Showing posts from September, 2019

Big Steps And Long Breaths

This month is something I've been looking forward to for a long time. And dreading. Truth be told, going outside your comfort zone, no matter how confident you are, is nervewracking. I have had a lot of people worry about my sanity for choosing to come to Germany. Many family members texted me the whole way over and have continued to text me often while here. I'm pretty sure they will be holding their breath for six months straight until I return home. As long as they don't turn blue, I don't mind people waiting on me ;p People asked me, "Are you excited or nervous to be going to Germany?" I honestly answered them, "I don’t know. I really haven’t had time for either." You see, I have finally come to the place where I love my  life. Part of me was actually starting to question my own sanity. "Do I really want to go to Germany?" One of my friends told me I was having traveler's remorse. It may have been partly that, or ...

Is Inspiration a Tool or a Crutch?

Inspiration is what gives passion to story. No, it is what births a story worth writing. It's the idea, the concept behind the words. It's what breathes life into our words so that what we write aren't mere words slopped onto a page, but something that will leave the reader feeling like they read magic.  But inspiration doesn't write stories.  People do. Or to be more accurate, fingers and dead brains trying to grasp at fizzling inspiration that won't stay long enough to be translated into words. Inspiration, that loved but hated the  thing that mysteriously fuels every plot bunny and big idea. Inspiration, that thing that laughs and says, "You may have me only if you give me all your blood and tears." But how many of us are willing to make the trade? And is the trade even worth making? And here we come to my questions: Is inspiration a tool or a crutch?  Must we be inspired to write? Is inspiration even necessary?  Of course, that in...

It's So Classic

I should have done this tag weeks ago since I'm part of the team at Rebellious Writing and all. But who has time for tags in the Summer? Especially when you're busy hiring someone to help with your cleaning, finishing up your fourth (and best) novel, and getting ready to travel to Germany? Yeah, I think my excuses are quite good ;) At least I didn't say that the dog ate my laptop ;p /RULES/ 1. Link your post to Rebellious Writing 2. Answer the questions  3. Tag at least 5 bloggers.  What is one classic that hasn’t been made into a movie yet, but really needs to?  You know, there are so many movies out there and I'm sure I don't know all book-to-movie adaptions. But I do think if there is a movie for certain books, it should be more popular so I shouldn't have to wonder about it ;) But if I had to choose, I'd really love to see a movie of "Hard Times" by Charles Dickens. Hold that. I really want the "Emily of Newmoon...

HIATUS ANNOUNCEMENT: Gone To Another Land Of New Words

First time in a college taking an unofficial German language test  By the time you read this post, I'll have been in Germany two days or so, I think (Germany is like eight hours ahead from where I live, so I'm not sure exactly what day it'll be that this will post).  I've always been obsessed with Germany. I think?  But I can't really tell you why.  I've always loved Germanic stories and fairytales. I've loved reading German history ... anabaptist history, early church history, world war history, and so much more.  When I was thirteen-sixteen we lived with the Amish, and I read a lot of German stuff during that time and really fell in love with the High German.  Also, my grandma has some German in her lineage. And I'm a lot like her ... helpfully blunt, hardworking, crazy sense of humor, and in-your-face opinionated. I'm not afraid to take charge or speak or ... anything. In fact, if something scares me, I have to do it (if ...