FIRST, TO LAUGH. Loudly, open-mouthed, so you can taste and feel the tears better. Life is often like all the flowers, beautiful with a variety of colors and scents (half of them smelling unpleasant, true enough, but at least they look nice). And sometimes, life is simply just like the blooms of a flower you think will open... and then they die. So much for life being like a flower. You’ll be missed, my unopened flowers 💀 Or maybe I’ll go find some better flowers, that actually open, look pretty, and smell nice. 🧡 Maybe I never needed those false blooms. AND THEN TO CRY Because tears always follow laughter, right? Ah, but not always. Sometimes you merely want to cry. Instead. Instead. You must become THE SMILING ROBOT. You must take your heart out for a moment, staring at it, wonder why it's so actively trying to get you to stay still or run away when duty calls you toward something most horrible. Toward the children who nee...