I don't know why I'm doing this, this month, except that I've got in the habit of doing this every month, so yeah... See Cait's blog. A couple days ago a friend was reading a book and I snatched it out from her hands. "Look interesting?" She asked. I read the back cover. "No! It looks like a romance!" "What? You're crazy." Then she hollors to someone to talk some sense into my head. "This girl doesn't like romance." She was like, "How do you expect to get married." And she said she's not reading any of my stories with out the characters getting married. She doesn't know I've already tricked her ;). And here I am writing a post about a 'couple' of mine :) Well, let me just say this book has a very different ending :) Haha. So, trying to not give away any spoilers, here are my answers to this months Beautiful People: Valentine Edition. May I present to you Taylor Ibori and Mashaki ...