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Quote Vs Quote


1. Thank the person who tagged you and link back to his or her post. Thanks, Megan! I'm so excited about this tag and have been ever since I saw it. 
2. Find at least 3 quotes you disagree with. Wow, this is going to be hard. Only three? I have a whole pinterest board devoted to proverbs that are actually lies
3. Briefly explain why you disagree with each, and counter it with another quote.
4. Tag whoever you like.
5. Include the graphic somewhere in your post.

Lie #1 "I am strong because of my experiences"
I'll admit, at first I thought, "Yeah! I relate." 
But then I thought, "NO. This is garbage."

Just think about it ... This goes against the whole nature of who Yeshua (Jesus) is. But, no. He wasn't wise because He'd been foolish but because He was wise and He is God. He didn't become strong after being broken on the cross. No, He was already strong before, and that strength is what allowed Him to be broken. He didn't need to ever be afraid to face fear because He knew better. He was perfect, and not because He once wasn't perfect but because God has always been perfect.

All of us have been foolish, weak, and afraid
But not everyone finds the solution to rise above their broken nature.

I am not healed because I was broken, but because I am healed.
I'm not brave because I was scared, but because I decided to act despite my fears.
Foolishness is not unique to a select few. It's the wise that choose to give up their foolish ways and follow God's wisdom.

Having experienced hardships helps to understand others' hard times better, but I should never think that hard times are unique to me thus making me more emphatic. If I actually thought that ... I'd be even more foolish.

This meme suggests that "I am special because I have experienced evil alone and I pulled myself up out of it and shine brighter."

This meme suggests that being broken must happen in order to be whole.

But experiencing evil is not necessary. Evil is a direct result of refusing to choose what's good at the very start, or simply a result of others' sinful consequences falling onto us. Either way, evil doesn't make us better, God does. Darkness doesn't brighten our light, God gives us His light when we put all our hopes on Him.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer is one of my favorite historical figures. He experienced great evil by doing good when no one else would, and he never stopped trusting God. Even in prison, he had complete joy, not because of being in prison, but because of having God ever at his side.

On a funny note: I love the song What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger. But in all seriousness, that's actually not usually true. Sometimes what doesn't kill you leaves you weaker. Sometimes what doesn't kill you leaves you broken, or scarred, or destroyed in countless other ways. There are many who have gone through harrowing experiences. There are many who have faced death. But there are few who are able to rise out of PTSD and depression. There is much bitter confidence behind the "What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger" line. If it were really true, such a near-death experience would leave one in utter joy with complete gratitude toward God and less focus on self.

Lie #2 "Don't worry about others when your happiness is at stake"
This is just complete of egotism. Thinking of only what you want hurts others, and in the end, hurts yourself. You do not find happiness by doing evil, but sacrificing your desires for another. You do not find happiness in selfishness but in complete devotion toward God.

Philippians 2:3-4, "Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests but also for the interests of others."


Lie #3 "Speak your truth; that's all that matters"
This one is a little more deceitful because it's almost true. In fact, some of you are probably a little confused as to why I have added it here. 

Truth is absolute. And we are to never stop sharing the truth. 

But just because someone is mad at you doesn't mean you are right. Certain lies require righteous indignation. And that anger is righteousness and not a sign of the one speaking as being correct. 

But even if what is being said is true, honesty is never an excuse for being rude


Wow, well this was actually harder than I thought it would be. But it's been fun! I tag Gray, Rakayle,  Brian, and Audrey.

So, what do you think of the quotes I debunked and the quotes I used to combat them? I'd love to hear your thoughts. 
Also, if I didn't tag you be free to take part in this tag and send me the link to the post you write because I'd really love to see more people debating quotes! It's such a fun idea. 


  1. I’ve never heard of this tag before, but it’s super interesting! I agree with all of your points - especially those concerning the second one. :)

    1. It's not a super popular tag as Megan created it awhile back ... you should totally steal it and spread it around, because it's such a fun tag! Thanks ;D I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  2. Oof, this was so good! I really want to do this post now (thanks for tagging me), but it may be controversial, lol.

    1. Thanks, Gray. Umm .. that's why I picked you, because I knew you'd do no less than controversial and I'm so excited to see what you'll do ;D

    2. My own problem is, I can't find any quotes that support my opinions fully and correctly.. at least not on the internet. :/

    3. Confession: It was super easy to find quotes I disagreed with. I had to search FOREVER to find stuff to combat those quotes ;D Tons and tons of googling on Goodreads quotes and other quote sites.

  3. All three of these quotes (especially the second and third) seriously rub me the wrong way. I never understood quotes like the second one. What happened to being selfless and considerate? It's just so self-centered and feeds into our very selfish culture. It's sad so many people use these quotes to excuse their selfish and bad behavior. :(

    1. I'm glad they rub you the wrong way ;) And yeah, it shocks me how selfish our culture is becoming, and how easily people justify such behavior, too. Very sad.

  4. Whoa, who in the world ever thought of that second one? It doesn't make sense to me at all. I love how you challenged it with a C. S. Lewis quote. :)

    1. It seems to be a pretty popular modern belief sadly ;/ But yeah, C. S. Lewis is one of the best ... along with Bonhoeffer and MacDonald. Three of my favorites!

  5. *Comes running in 1231212 years after Keturah commented on her blog*

    Hiii!! Yeah, I'm just here. >< Woopsy.

    Anywho, I really enjoyed this post!! I agree on all those points you're making!! The last one can easily be good, but it can also easily be bad. As my dad says, "There are two sides to a fight, and neither person in the fight is going to be 100% right." He says there is always a middle ground. We as Christians don't just need to beat people over the head with Bibles, because they'll react negatively to it. But the non Christians should at least give us the time of day if we gently explain what we're meaning to them. You can't get anywhere by screaming at each other. Nobodies point is going to get across.

    Awesome job, Keturah!!!

    ~ Lily Cat (Boots) |

    1. Hey, well 1231212 years later is better than never ;p

      I'm so glad you enjoyed it—and agreed with it ;) You are so right about there being two sides to most fights and that usually there's not someone who's ever 100% right. And that last one I was hesitant to get into, because I also agree with principles of it, such as I believe in absolute truth, and that it's wrong to be silent concerning truth. Bonhoeffer loves to debate theology, and once when someone told him you couldn't save someone by debating, he said, "While it's true you can't argue one into heaven, you can't love them to salvation, either. And I believe there are more examples of sound reasoning doing it's job than flighty tolerance." (I'm paraphrasing ;p But yeah, screaming truth at one's face only drowns out the words so that all you can see is a hateful person ;D

      Thanks, Lily!

  6. Hmmm... interesting tag! Thanks for the tag, I will try to get it done at some point. :)
    I get so mad when I read a quote that is not true.

    1. Oh, well I can't wait to see some of those quotes that make you mad ;D You're post is sure to be fun. Thanks!

  7. Ooh this is so wonderful! *dances about like a happy rabbit*

    Such good points, Keturah! I particularly like--yeah, the middle one is a bunch of garbage. I mean. There are situations where you have to stand up for yourself? But that's a different thing than extreme individualism where the Me Monster is at the center of every decision. Ugh. I reeeeally like that C. S. Lewis quote.

    And you're so right, being persecuted doesn't always mean you're right! If that were so...well, if that were so, history would make no sense because look at the religious wars at any given time. There are almost always atrocities on both sides. You can't *go* by that.

    Thanks for doing this tag, m'dear, it was a joy to read!!!

    1. Happy rabbits are good!

      Thanks, Megan! I'm so glad you agreed with my points and hated the memes I hate and loved the ones I love ;p You are totally right, there's a time to stand up, but yeah it's not a war for "I". Yeah, those wars are something to look at, aren't they ;0

      Thanks for tagging me! Definitely one of my favorite tags to ever do ;D

  8. Neat tag, I always find myself disagree with quotes.

    1. Yeah, me too. And sometimes I'm so used to disagreeing with quotes I find myself pleasantly surprised to agree once in awhile ;p

  9. I so agree with this! Every time I think of the song "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger," I think along the same lines as you. I also think of Paul's words, If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness.
    2 Corinthians 11:30 NIV Weakness is a time to turn to God for strength, not to rely on ourselves more.

    1. That's so funny you think the same way —I love this song, but just recently I started actually listening to the lyrics, and I was like, "Yeah, that's not right." That's such a great verse to combat that lyric ;)

  10. Oh my word that second quote makes me mad. I can't stand that modern belief that's permeating everything these days, that makes everything about you and your happiness and is basically egotism. On one hand sure, you gotta look after yourself, but God calls us to be servant-hearted. We should be putting others first! Our happiness should never be a priority! I get so annoyed when people start puffing themselves up and talking about "self love". It's so arrogant.

    Love this post, Keturah!

    1. Makes me so happy that the second quote makes you mad ;D Because I know way too many people that love it, and it's sad ;/ It is basically egotism and it's slapping itself in the face, because anyone that believes that and follows that is actually hurting themselves and appear to be less happy than the rest of us. Yes, we have to love ourselves, and we are told to "Love others as you love yourself" so that doesn't mean we shouldn't love ourselves. But it's clear that we already know how to love "me", so we need work on loving "you".
      Thank you, Amy !


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