Thanks, so much Alexa , for tagging me in this post, and for your beautiful, encouraging words :) And, for the rest of you - who doesn't think a tag is fun? Let's encourage some people!!! Rules: 1. Answer the eight questions (easy enough) 2. Tag some peoples! (any number, but I'm doing one for each category) 3. Link back to Jo (she is the creator and it is good manners) 4. Include the globe picture (hey, it's easier than making one of your own. Thanks Jo!) This is going to be just a little hard for me, as I don't follow many blogs. But we'll give it a go ;) To The Dedicated Ones To the dedicated ones: How do you do it? I have a hard enough time coming up with a good post once a week. But some of you do a COUPLE A WEEK! Man, you have talent ;) I tag Aidyl :) You are one awesome girl, with some great posts - and beautiful writing :) You have a message for this word - Share it! To The Committed Community Members All you peopl...