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Remember Why We Left: Corona Virus Update

Siblings and I, pushing even our shadows into a future we wish to live in
I haven't been purposely silent on the coronavirus. Though, in all honesty, I've actually been quite loud about my opinions. For some reason, they just haven't made it to my blog ... until now.

At first, I laughed. It's not that I never believed what was happening ... I just never expected the paranoia to actually become so organized. Even up unto my last days in Germany, it was just a joke. I had bigger stresses, and the virus was amusing. But then ... the borders were closed two days before I flew home and it dawned on me. 

This wasn't just any normal virus. People were freaking, and it was going to affect me in ways I didn't like at all. I made it home ... but the home wasn't as I'd left it. My own family were still sensible, as were many of my friends. But, oh, the fear in America was toxic and heavy. My cleaning business pretty much died. I received many messages asking me to just stay home and not visit. Our governor shut down our state. Everyone complied and hid. And I'd be lying if I said it wasn't hard. 

I was confused. I had been keeping up with the news as I've always done. I had read the stats. I'd seen how the media had blown it up. I was in Europe. I knew people in Italy. The virus was obviously real, to me. But death has always been a huge part of my life. I've never liked it, but neither have I feared it. I've always been the sort that would rather hope than cower, who fights to find hope even when it seems dead. 

And so, although I saw the 2% (or 15% if you limit the stats) that were dying and grieved for those deaths, I also saw the 98% who still had to live, and who were now being told they may not live. I saw their deaths, too, even though they were not caused by the corona virus. I saw how they would die from abuse, starvation, depression, and other sicknesses. And I saw the many that would have dreams die, have their homes and livelihoods ripped away, have their lives turned upside down so that they would be living something much worse than death. 

I saw the future: an uncertain place ruled by fear, regulating life so that it was no longer a place I could raise children of my own someday. I saw a future that was not appealing. A future that said, "You may not live because we are scared to die."

And so I said, no, as I always do when I am told to be nothing. I said, "I will live."

I wouldn't say I disobeyed orders. I simply ignored suggestions that lacked sanity and authority. I wouldn't say I disregarded guidelines and disrespected those at risk. I've always been the sort who washed my hands. I've always known to be cautious of the elderly—many of those I clean for are regularly sick, easily catching anything and everything. 

I simply continued to live life. I worked when I could, I hugged those who would be hugged, I socialized with those who would accept my company. I did not remain in my home; I embraced the sun and hiked and read and toiled as God made me to do. I would not deteriorate under a roof, but I kept my immune system strong and healthy with life. 

I did not embrace death or fear; I lived. 

For this, I was accused of allowing my politics to take over my social media. If you call social awareness and living political, then so be it. That's what happened. 

For this, I was accused of caring more about the economy than the elderly. But I say it was never about one or the other. No, I saw past fear and I saw everyone. 
And so when my aunt sent me a message alerting me to a protest at our capitol, I decided to go. I rallied those of my friends who I thought would receive me. I searched my own heart to make sure I wasn't doing this out of rebellion. (1 Samuel‬ ‭15‬:‭22-23‬).

As the time drew nearer to attend, I actually became unsure. Scripturally, I was at rest that we are to obey God and His law, and respect those in authority. And it seemed pretty clear that our governing officials had no authority, both scripturally or constitutionally to suspend our natural rights indefinitely.

Even so, I was nervous. What would the atmosphere of the event be like? Many said there was a risk of arrest. I was not worried about that. I was worried about what sort of people would show. Often, I'm sorry to say, the only ones brave enough to show are those of unsavory character. It's discouraging because I want America to be a strong nation of dignity. And yet ... where are those of character?

And yet I went.
Not because I thought this rally would do any good in and of itself. As one friend put it, it would most likely be a "feel good" event. And yet, even he said ... if we don't stand up now, when will we? When will we prove that we can be more unified in our values than corrupt powers are in their deceit? When will order overcome organized, carefully laid out lies?

Unless we remember:

"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so." ~ Thomas Jefferson.
We will never be what we aimed to be as a nation unless we always hold fast to remembering why we left Europe.

We left to be free to worship, to work, to live. We left to be under no man. We left to be ruled by none save God. We were the rebellious teenagers that thought we knew better than Mother. But were we right? She doesn't think so. She laughs and sees that we are falling and becoming just like her.

Unless we remember why.

We were not to be dictated or pressed under by monarchs. We were to be individual sovereigns ruled by few laws, at liberty to pursue our own happiness.

Our ancestors suffered so we could be free to live. They endured sickness and death, with higher rates of death than this coronavirus could ever know. They gave their blood in battle. They broke their backs, spent their sanity, and declared their independence. And they told us to never, never give up what they gave us for any amount of security granted by another.

Not that we can't have both safety and liberty. We can. But they are ours to have and make. They are not privileges, guidelines, or orders given by anyone else. We can only have security when we are at liberty to create it for ourselves.

Those from other lands may find it acceptable to be told to remain home when they are healthy. They may be alright to not have the right to pursue happiness and wealth. Others may believe that the government grants privileges; that our humanity is not a RIGHT.

But Americans are not such people.

I marched to prove to the world that I am a citizen, not a subject. I marched to let our public servants know they are not my king; only God is. I marched to show I know my rights and that I am willing to use them, not merely recite them.

I marched to show my Mother that I am not a rebellious teenager that left her ways, but that, though there was much to be learned from her, there is also a better way to live. I marched to show that I love my heritage more than socialism.
I went with my father and some of my siblings. We arrived a good three hours early to network, as my father is also running for state senate. I had many good discussions with media persons as well as a long conversation  about raw milk and vaccines with one of the candidates running for Republican Governor. I may write about that conversation at a later time. I also spoke with many, many individuals.

At 12:30, Dr. Al, the man running for governor rallied everyone together with a few words. And then a preacher from a small Montana town delivered a powerful speech. If you can, look up my dad John Lamb and listen from minute fourteen to thirty to hear what was said. Either way, I'll share a condensed quote:

"Something on Romans 13. The government gets to punish the wicked according to the Holy Bible. But God gets to determine that which is wicked. We are told we should render unto Caesar that which belongs to Caesar. We will render unto Caesar that which belongs to Caesar. But we will not render unto Caesar that which belongs to God."
Probably my favorite semi ever. Photo credit goes to my sister, Jerushah. 

I loved all the tractors! Montana is a state full of ranchers and people who understand what it means to own and care for God's earth. Photo credit: Jerushah Lamb.

At 1pm, we all started marching around the capitol. And I'm so happy to say it was not a crowd of riff-raff, but of class. There was diversity, yes. But it was covered with respect. There were those who socially distanced and wore masks, and there were those who didn't. There were Trump supporters and there were democrats. There were Christians praying and "crazies" yelling. There were children and the elderly. 

Despite those of us who have been outright disregarding all guidelines, Montana has only seen 433 cases of coronavirus. Fifty-five of those have been hospitalized and nearly 250 have recovered. We've had ten deaths. But meanwhile, every small business and few individuals are truly thriving. Isolation has never been good for the soul. 

Our governor, who refused to hear us and open the state, had said no more than twenty-five would show for this protest. I had been hoping for at least 200. The numbers vary according to sources, but we had somewhere between 700 and 1000 people.

It was beautiful, inspiring, reassuring. People do care and are starting to see past fear. 
I still do not know if the governor will listen to us, or if we will have to continue showing our American sovereignty. 

But for now, I'm mostly enthused by the fact that humanity isn't all hopeless.

These last two images and video are made by one of my best friend's cousin. There's a bit where she interviewed me between minutes 2:20 and 3:30. But check out the entire video! 

 This takes a little explanation ... Governor Bullock of Montana unlawfully shut down just about everything in Montana, stripping us of basic rights by suspending the first amendment. He plummeted Montana into Hell and then had the nerve to write this:
And please don't be one of those people to say this was sweet. That these children have anxiety. The governor unnecessarily forced these children to be locked into their homes. Chocolate and fantasy creatures don't make up for that. And besides, who gave him the authority to write such a silly thing? Who gave him the right to determine what is essential and right for us? As one friend said:

"Seems like a slap in the face for all the people that have been laid off since they were deemed ‘non essential’. Especially when those non essential jobs were putting food on the table."

Don't take away our meat and think chocolate will satisfy us. Don't kills our dreams and take away our world and then make a joke about how a fantasy world is essential and real. You haven't the right to take or give us anything. As governor, your only job is to safeguard our rights. You don't get to determine them. 
Photo credit: Jerushah Lamb

These two ladies are definitely inspirations! In the strong yet not feminist sort of way ;) 

One of the ladies I clean for makes these lovely boots called Canty's. My sister (left) and I (right) wore them to the event. Because, fashion, in my opinion, is still an essential thing in life. It was really exciting to see a stranger also wearing Canty's. So of course, I ran over to her and asked to get a boot selfie ...
The event was hyped with excited Americans. I loved the energy. I loved having so many wonderful conversations. Most people walked around the capitol seven times, but I only made it around three times due to meeting and speaking with so many people. Sometimes I'd stop to say, "Love your sign," or "Great outfit!" which would lead to a conversation that at times had everything to do with what we were there for or perhaps nothing at all.

There were a couple of guys cooking up hotdogs and burgers for everyone, free of charge. A couple times I heard someone saying, "Anyone know where John Lamb is?" I'd say, "You're looking for John Lamb? I'm his daughter." We'd talk as I directed them to my father, maybe even get selfies. I loved the energy of the crowd. It filled me up ...

But it also saddened me, to an extent.

Americans have proven that when it comes to their rights they will fight for them. We have made it clear that we love the first two amendments. They can't take away our guns or keep us silent.

But ... when it comes to the rights of others? We keep our guns and our mouths to ourselves. We don't use our rights to benefit any. We want to be free ... but few of us truly care about the rights of others. 

I loved seeing Americans uniting for their rights. 

But it is a greater dream of mine to see us unite over the rights for the unborn and for the imprisoned; for those who are losing their homes; for those who need a friend, a neighbor, a hug. I wish to see a nation of people that is not only free to pursue their own happiness, but who chooses to also ensure that everyone else also remains secure. 

Source (I'm in the grey sweater with four of my siblings around me)

As normal, I'd love to hear your thoughts. I've been so out of the blogging world I don't even know which ones of you are on which side of the fence. I'll try to visit you all soon and read your thoughts, be they on this or on other essential matters ;) Let's be cordial and let's return to our heritage together! 


  1. I'm with you!
    This country is starting to feel like a nanny and I abhor it. I've also been slightly ignoring the illogical suggestions, I was actually talking to a friend the other night about how people get mad at me and others for recognizing their rights, especially the right to assemble for worship, people are just blindly following everything and it's frustrating.
    I'm thankful that Texas seems to be going back to being more rational, more and more jobs are opening back up and I hope it continues to get better so that other states can follow suite.
    I know it's bad in some place, like NYC, but the economical crash is going to be even worse at this rate.

    1. Ahhh yes, we do feel like a nation of nannies. And yeah it's sad how people are that way. Texas does seem to be doing well. I don't understand the Texas pride most of the time, but I'm proud of them for being more sensible. And what's to come yet does have me concerned. Thanks for your comment!

  2. That's neat that you went to the Rally.

  3. That rally sounds like a really wonderful experience, Keturah! I'm with you--I like to see the "togetherness" that's coming out of this crisis, but so wish we could have some of that passion for OTHER injustices, like legalized infanticide, for instance.

    I've been kinda on the fence regarding the whole quarantine situation. Certain governors are overstepping boundaries. Freedom of speech has been violated in some cases, and in others, the freedom to worship has been undermined. And as you point out so well, people are SUFFERING in ways that are every bit as serious as sickness, whether it be physically or spiritually, from the loneliness that comes with quarantine. On a more subjective level, I'm annoyed--I miss Mass, I miss my friends, I miss going places. I can't wait til this thing is over.

    But I also respect the authorities enacting a state of emergency. Is there hype and over-caution and over-control? Probably; certainly in some cases. But overall, I like to think that at least *some* of these measures were warranted, that even though there are corrupt people in the gov't taking advantage of this situation there are also many who are genuinely concerned for our welfare, people who are doing their best in very difficult circumstances. People who need our prayers.

    (Of course, all this probably changes a lot state by state. I don't know what lockdown is like in Montana, but here in Ohio it's been....reasonable? I dunno, despite all my complaining, life hasn't felt TOO drastically different. Maybe cuz I live out in the middle of nowhere, lol.)


    1. You are so right! I've seen so much seperation, but your words have reminded me that I HAVE seen togertheness, too. And THAT is beautiful and should receive much attention.

      I think it's all right to be annoyed. And it's all right to be on the fence.

      One can be all those things and still respect the "authorities"enacting orders. In fact, one can respect those people and still disreguard their orders all at once.

      It would be nice to think that some of the measures were warranted. It's horrible to think any of those that we should be able to respect fully would also be caving into the pressure. And to be honest, who are we to judge their intentions? All I can do is keep them accountable for their actions. It is my duty, even as I respect them. They need our prayers and respect, but they do not need our complete odedience.

      And yes, it's different state by state. Our govenor is completely unconstitutional. And most people have been ignoring his orders, except for businesses. Few of us have actually remained home or isolated. My life has been drastically different, mainly because I've had hardly any work. But I've been enjoying having more time to socialize and hike and such.

      So, yes. You're right. Respect them. Respect EVERYONE. But also realize, that just because someone gives an order, even if they are in a position of power, they may hold neither jurisdiction nor authority. Yes, we must continue to respect them and even consider their words. But we are not obligated to obey. And it's not disobeying to not obey, because of lack of authority or jurisdiction.


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